Sunday, June 21, 2015

Misc info for you!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Trouble sleeping? Try this.... and don't forget to check out my books on author Jamie bach


It happens to us all right? .... Can't sleep. Try this! Inhale through your nose for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds then exhale through your mouth for 8 seconds. This will help slow your heart rate and trains your body to relax so you can drift off to sleep..


Le pasa a todos nosotros ¿verdad? .... No puedo dormir. Prueba esto! Inhale por la nariz durante 4 segundos , contener la respiración durante 7 segundos y luego exhale por la boca durante 8 segundos. Esto ayudará a frenar su ritmo cardíaco y entrena a su cuerpo para relajarse para que pueda quedarse dormido ..

Es geschieht mit uns, alles in Ordnung? .... Kann nicht schlafen. Versuche dies! Atmen Sie durch die Nase für 4 Sekunden , halten Sie den Atem für 7 Sekunden, dann durch den Mund ausatmen für 8 Sekunden. Dies wird helfen, verlangsamen die Herzfrequenz und trainiert Ihren Körper zu entspannen , so dass Sie treiben kann in den Schlaf ..

Il nous arrive à tous à droite? .... Ne peux pas dormir. Essaye ça! Inspirez par le nez pendant 4 secondes , retenez votre souffle pendant 7 secondes, puis expirez par la bouche pendant 8 secondes . Cela va aider à ralentir votre rythme cardiaque et trains votre corps à se détendre afin que vous puissiez la dérive au large de dormir ..

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#moyennatureldesommeil #sommeil #nepeuxpasdormir

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natürlicheArt und weiseindenSchlaf #Schlaf #kann nicht schlafen

Monday, June 8, 2015

Here is a FREE READ! #freeread #freechapter Read my first chapter from book #wordsofencouragementandhowtocopewithwhatlifebringsyou by #jamiebach

 Get your copy today at author Jamie Bach if you like it :) Thanks so much! 

Some advice for “The worn out mother.”

So many people cannot have children yet as a mother I am sure I am not alone when I think, “I can’t do this anymore!” or “I don’t want to do this anymore!”
Changing diapers, cleaning house, cooking dinner, the list goes on.  Add working on top of this and it gets even harder.  Not everyone is fortunate enough in life that they can travel the world and not work forty hours a week.  Or have someone clean their house for them, or better yet a nanny! So we must come to the fact that we have to make the best of our lives how they are.
Life is not always fair but I must tell you if you are married and have a husband who helps you with the children you are truly blessed.  Though it may not always feel that way it is true.
It is easy to find faults with our spouse or even our children, but we must look forwards and not backwards and be thankful.  That’s right!  One of the children just threw up in the car and the other one has a poopy diaper and it’s running down her legs….Life can deal you tough days and easy days but no matter what it dishes us we should be thankful.
            You may be thinking this lady is just crazy.  I should be thankful for my snotty little child who just yelled, “I hate you!” Yes that’s right that is what I am saying. 
            So many women try and try to have children but for whatever the reason it isn’t possible for them.  I was fortunate enough to have two beautiful daughters and I found myself thinking, “I wish I would have had a son.”
            That’s horrible I know but don’t we always want what we can’t have? We need to stop and take a look at our lives and be thankful for all the good in them.
            Children are definitely that, they are something good in our life. 
            Take a moment to think about the first steps they took, or maybe their first day of school.  There has to be something there that can bring a smile to your face.  What about opening an old picture album?

            Maybe it’s not you being unhappy with your children maybe they are unhappy with you.
            What if my child no longer wants anything to do with me?  Well unfortunately that is the case for some people and all I can suggest is that if you want to mend a relationship you should sit back and remember how it got messed up in the first place.  Did you say something out of anger that you couldn’t take back? Maybe they said something so hurtful to you, you feel like there is nothing left in your relationship. 
            My suggestion here is to look at the situation and decide if you should be the bigger person and apologize even if you weren’t the one who was wrong.  Maybe that child is just so stubborn, so you be the bigger person. You might need to take the first step to make amends.
            Maybe you kicked them out of the house when they were eighteen because they were living a life you didn’t agree with.  There could be many reasons, but I know this, getting along with our children is an important key to a happy life.
            Don’t forget to pray and read god’s word and see what he may instruct you to do in this situation. Read 1 Cor 13:14.

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